Life-threatening Issues

We are all downwind.

Let’s imagine – I know this is far-fetched, but for purposes of discussion, we might try it anyhow – a political atmosphere dominated by fear of terrorists and their bombs. There are shoe bombs, pipe bombs, pressure cooker bombs, fertilizer bombs, tannerite bombs, suicide bomb vests, car bombs, truck bombs, improvised explosive devices, drone bombs, commercial airplanes used as bombs …

Whoa, there’s a lot to be worried about. Fear of terrorists and their bombs can be used to make an argument for lots of countermeasures. Obviously, all airplane travelers need to be searched before they board airplanes. Police need to be able to search anyone’s house when they are chasing a possible terrorist. Suspected terrorists who are caught by the police need to disappear into secret prisons forever … Continue reading “Life-threatening Issues”

A Zombie Proposal in Michigan’s Legislature

The idea of “reprocessing” spent nuclear fuel has repeatedly been beaten to death in the United States, but its advocates keep trying to bring it back to life. Part of the latest attempt to animate this corpse is Michigan State Senate Resolution 164 of 2016. Continue reading “A Zombie Proposal in Michigan’s Legislature”

Worry About Terrorists Much?

(Originally published March 28, 2016 on

If you do, you should consider how easy it would be for a small group to attack a nuclear power plant and cause a meltdown, and how horrible the consequences of that would be. Once you think of nearly 100 large reactors of the United States as nearly 100 targets, you see another reason to shut them all down before one of them shuts us down. Continue reading “Worry About Terrorists Much?”