Walk With Us July 31

It’s a busy time, with lots of events calling for our attention; political conventions, police shootings, shootings of police, airport bombings, coup attempts, and a seemingly endless list of similar events. These are all important events, not silly distractions like Pokemon Go. Especially to people directly involved, each one can seem like the most important thing in the world, deserving all our attention right here and right now.

It’s not easy to remember, in the midst of all the flashing lights and sirens, to pay attention to long-term issues that are not yet so immediate. Even so, that’s what we are doing with our “Got KI?” Campaign. That’s because there’s no plan or schedule for a nuclear reactor meltdown. Nobody wants it to happen. Many steps are taken to prevent it happening.  And yet it does happen. Continue reading “Walk With Us July 31”

Our Corrupt EPA

(Originally published March 10, 2016 on https://athf3.wordpress.com/)

Act Now! Tell OMB to reject EPA proposal to increase allowable radioactivity in drinking water following nuclear emergency

March 9, 2016

Dear Friends,

EPA has quietly proposed to raise the allowable levels of radioactivity in drinking water to hundreds of times their current limits following a nuclear emergency. The Safe Drinking Water Act establishes Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL’s) for specific radionuclides. But now EPA has proposed allowing people to drink water with concentrations of radioactivity at vastly higher levels with no actions taken by government to protect people. Continue reading “Our Corrupt EPA”

What’s Wrong with Nuclear Energy?

(Originally published March 5, 2016 on https://athf3.wordpress.com/)

  • Nuclear energy is clean – except for radioactive leaks and radioactive waste.
  • Nuclear energy is safe – except for “normal” radioactive releases and the occasional overwhelming catastrophe.
  • Nuclear energy is cheap – except for electric power customers who must pay for it.
  • Nuclear energy is profitable – except for governments that heavily subsidize it.

Continue reading “What’s Wrong with Nuclear Energy?”

Don’t Nuke Michigan …

(Originally published February 8, 2016 on https://athf3.wordpress.com/)

… and Ontario and Lake Huron and Lake Erie and all the rest downstream. This article, by Kevin Kamps, the keynote speaker at Alliance To Halt Fermi 3’s annual meeting yesterday, spells the issue out in detail:

http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/26/after-flint-dont-let-them-nuke-the-great-lakes-next/ Continue reading “Don’t Nuke Michigan …”

Absurd as it is …

(Originally published January 19, 2016 on https://athf3.wordpress.com/)

… radionuclides – radioactive isotopes, many of which are water-soluble – are not officially considered “chemicals of concern” by agencies that are supposed to watch over water quality in the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are surronded by numerous nuclear power plants which create large quantities of intensely harmful isotopes in their reactor cores. An accident like Fukushima could dump large quantities into the Great Lakes. “Normal” reactor operations regularly dump smaller quantities. Continue reading “Absurd as it is …”